Mashamshire Swift Conservaton Community Project

We support swift conservation by promoting the use of swift boxes and swift bricks to provide nest sites for these iconic summer visitors who are now red-listed due to loss of their traditional nest sites in the eves of old buildings. We also provide first aid and transport to experienced rehabbers for grounded swifts. We run a market stall during Swift Awareness Week in July and run other events. We also provideand maintain equipment to allow the swifts in the church tower to be viewed on a live monitor in the church and on our YouTube Channel. New members are welcome.

Masham Rainbow and Brownie Guides

Masham Rainbow and Brownie Guides

We meet on a Monday evening in Masham, term time only. Please register your Daughter via or if you would like to volunteer register via
Rainbows – For girls aged 4 to 7
Rainbows learn by doing. They get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games.
Brownies – For girls aged 7 to 10
Brownies are introduced a world of new opportunities by trying new activities, learning skill and getting to go on trips and sleepovers.

Mashamshire Show

Annual show at Masham Town Hall on
Saturday 14th September 2024
Classes to suit all ages, abilities and interests
Entry deadline Saturday 7th September 2024
Schedules available from February from Roger’s Butchers or Mashamshire Community Office or visit our website
for schedule, entry form and further information.
Further details contact Janet Jameson on 01765 689068


Run by Masham Horticultural Society.

Masham Photographic Club

Meets throughout the year on 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month (except July and August) at 7:30 PM in the Small Hall, Masham Town Hall. Extensive and varied programme – see the website for more information. Visitors always welcome. For details contact us: (for information about our programme) or (for information about joining)

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