Held once a month in the church, songs from musicals and
popular songs are sung, we are not a choir, but we are men and women who enjoy singing and having fun. Singing for fun is held on the second Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm to 2.45 pm.
We pay £2.00 towards the music and refreshments.
Contact Jim or Lesley on 01765 689828
Local suport & information group for the Skipton & Ripon Conservative constituency & for Julian Smith MP.
Julian’s Email is juliansmith.mp@parliament.uk
Contact Andrew Loftus (Chairman- Masham & Healey Branch) andrew@loftusfarms.com
Masham handbell ringers. New members always welcome. Concerts & parties rung for your entertainment.
Contact Ian Johnson on 01765 689682 / ian26johnson@gmail.com
The Chapel Cafe (aka the Schoolroom) is open every Saturday morning for Coffee/Tea and biscuits from 10.30am – 12 noon.
On the first Saturday of the month we have Coffee Plus when we add a variety of stalls selling mostly handmade goods, from marmalade to knitted goods, from ceramics to greetings cards. Stalls can be hired for a small fee. Everyone welcome.