Friday 14 February, 2025
Masham Scout Group

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244
We meet term time only. Please register your Daughter via www.girlguilding.org.uk/joinus or if you would like to volunteer register via www.girlguilding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer.
Rainbows – For girls aged 4 to 7, Rainbows learn by doing. They get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games.
Brownies – For girls aged 7 to 10. Brownies are introduced to a world of new opportunities by trying new activities, learning skill and getting to go on trips and sleepovers.
We meet on a Monday evening term time only.
Guides – for girls aged 10-14, Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge.
Rangers – for girls aged 14-18, Rangers it’s all about taking the lead and finding new challenges.
Songs, Stories, Playtime and Bubbles for Babies and Toddlers
Cafe for Adults to chat from 11am
Light lunch from 11.45am (donations welcome)
No need to book just turn up!
FREE of charge
Please call 01765 689828 for more information
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244
In the fresh sparkling world just after the last Ice Age there were no dogs – not a single one. So how did we get our best friend and the World’s No 1 pet, the dog?
Well, luckily for us, along came two young hunter-gatherers called Ugg ’n’ Ogg to pall up with the wolves Tooth ‘n’ Claw and embark on a fun-packed adventure where despite flying meat bones, raging forest infernos, and even a time-travelling stick, they finally get to invent the dog and save us all from a life of doglessness.
This original play for families and dog lovers of all ages is inspired by the truly amazing evolutionary process that transformed the wolf into all the dogs that we see in the world today.
All tickets £6, available at Masham Community Office, 01765-680200.
We meet term time only. Please register your Daughter via www.girlguilding.org.uk/joinus or if you would like to volunteer register via www.girlguilding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer.
Rainbows – For girls aged 4 to 7, Rainbows learn by doing. They get their hands dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games.
Brownies – For girls aged 7 to 10. Brownies are introduced to a world of new opportunities by trying new activities, learning skill and getting to go on trips and sleepovers.
We meet on a Monday evening term time only.
Guides – for girls aged 10-14, Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire and challenge.
Rangers – for girls aged 14-18, Rangers it’s all about taking the lead and finding new challenges.
Songs, Stories, Playtime and Bubbles for Babies and Toddlers
Cafe for Adults to chat from 11am
Light lunch from 11.45am (donations welcome)
No need to book just turn up!
FREE of charge
Please call 01765 689828 for more information
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244