A colourful celebration of the animal world in jewellery, ceramics, glass, sculpture, print and paint from a wonderful selection of artists and makers will fill the exhibition room. Artists include: Tom Frost, Colin Blanchard, Chris Moss, Nicky Clacy, Nick Wonham, Kate Green, Victoria Keeble, Jenifer Tetlow, Gwen Vaughn and Alice Shepherd.
As well as showing beautiful and unusual work by over 100 artists and craftspeople from across Britain the gallery also represents some of the best paintings, pottery and printmaking from the studios of North Yorkshire.
A Marvellous Menagerie runs from 15th August until 27th September. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10am-5pm and on Sundays from 1-5pm.
For more information, call 01765 689 554. www.mashamgallery.co.uk