Saturday 3 June, 2023 - Saturday 3 June, 2023

An Evening by the Riverside

The Old Mill, Millgate, Masham HG4 4EZ

An Evening by the Riverside

Venue: The Old Mill, Millgate
Date: Saturday 3rd June 2023
Time: 7pm

Tickets: £15 entry includes light supper and first drink (tickets available from MCO or buy online now)

Enjoy a relaxed evening in the riverside garden at the Old Mill. Ticket price includes a simple buffet supper and your first drink. Cash donation bar for additional drinks.

This event will take place indoors if the weather is bad.

Parking is limited so please park on the square and walk down to the venue.

Funds raised to go towards the purchase of Mashamshire Community Office.

Thank you to all our volunteers and our many supporters:

Mashamshire Community Office are currently raising funds to purchase the building that they have operated from for the past 20 years. Find out how more about their progress here:

For more information contact:

Mashamshire Community Office
Tel: 01765 680200