Tuesday 26 November, 2019 - Tuesday 26 November, 2019

A Curtain Rises: archaeology and the rediscovery of Seaton Delaval Hall

Masham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Masham

Since the National Trust acquired Seaton Delaval Hall in 2009, archaeological research has underpinned urgent conservation work at the property and along the way has radically rewritten our understanding of what Vanbrugh (and many others) created with the Delaval family in the eighteenth century. It has also helped to design – and now deliver – the currently underway £7.8m HLF-funded conservation and restoration project, Curtain Rises (with its over 90 pieces of archaeological work !).
Mark Newman, National Trust
Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm in Masham Town Hall unless otherwise stated.
Membership runs from September to May and
is £17.00 per year. There is a concession for a couple of £32 per year. Non members are welcome and are charged £4 per meeting.
Accompanied children and students in full time education are welcome without charge.
For further details please contact the Secretary;
Roger Sarjeant, 1 College Court, College Lane, Masham HG4 4HE
Telephone: 01765 689396.
e-mail: rogersarjeant1950@gmail.com
Website: www.mashamhistory.com