Saturday 20 April, 2019 - Saturday 20 April, 2019

Family Easter Egg Hunt

West Tanfield Playing Field, ,

In support of Lynette & jo’s LONG walk
On 27 October 2019 Lynette Welford and Jo smith are hoping to trek to Petra covering over 100K of desert and mountainous terrain to raise funds for Macmillan. To do this they have to raise £3850 each. This event is to help raise the pledged donation.
Family Easter Egg Hunt
Teams will be solving clues round the village so each team will need an adult to make sure younger team members are safe by the road. There will be small prizes for solving each clue and a prize for the fastest team. £10.00 entry per team.
Egg Decorating Competition
Eggs and decorating materials provided. 50p per egg.
Easter Bonnet Decorating Competition.
Bring your own bonnet 50p, or decorate one of our bonnets £2.00
Other Attractions:
Tombola, Mary’s Famous Barbecue, Face Painting, Tea & Cakes, Cold Drinks
MacMillan Cancer Support