Saturday 6 July, 2013 - Saturday 6 July, 2013

Grewelthorpe Gala Saturday

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This event is organised by the Grewelthorpe sports & Social Association & will be held on the Village Green.
Fancy dress Please meet at Lofty’s wall at approx 2pm Theme – an animal Any age group 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes.
Decorated wheelbarrow Theme – Wildlife. Any age group 1st, 2nd & 3rd.
The John Thorpe Trophy – Design an Animal mask. Winner will receive the trophy to be kept for one year. Please bring to marquee on Saturday for 10.45am. Judging at 11am.
The Geoff Grimsditch Trophy – Wildlife photo Winner will receivethe trophy to be kept for one year. (Please bring photos with name on reverse to Linda Oldriges, Lake House on the Green, before Friday 5th July) The winner will be chosen by the public & announced on the day.
Pet Show – Bring your pet to the Green at approx 2.15pm 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes
Other events:- Children’s races & slow bike race. The Purple Play Bus. Egg Throwing. Tug of War. Guessing games. Children’s tattoo & nail art. Milk the Cow. Pimms Tent. Tombola. Delicious teas served in the marquee by Grewelthorpe Church. 5-aside football competition to be held at 4pm on Playing field.
Evening barbecue on the Green. Please bring own food, chairs etc.
We would be grateful for the donation of Tombola prizes to be delivered to Liz Dixon, The Croft. Cakes Scones & Biscuits to be taken on the day to the marquee or to Liz Witton before the event.
Mant thanks for all your help & look forward to seeing you on the 6th July.