Kirkby Open Gradens, organised by St Andrews Church. Please contact Helen Kitchen on 01765 650369/ to join in and for more information. A Scarecrow Trail is also planned for that weekend- watch out for more scarecrow news soon!
Plant Sale: As part of the Open Gardens, Kirkby in Bloom will hold a plant sale in aid of Kirkby in Bloom that afternoon. If you have any plants to donate, please let Michael Jordon know on 07483237809.
Village Tidy: To help get the village looking good for open gardens, join in our Village Litter Sweep and Tidy on Saturday June 29th 10am-12pm. Find us at the Mechanics or around the village. Refreshments wil be provided.
Do join our Kirkby in Bloom group – you will be warmly welcomed! Contact Anne on 07516467204 or Pam on 01765 658887