Tuesday 8 October, 2019 - Tuesday 8 October, 2019


Masham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Masham

A Community Excavation at HMP Northallerton- Rebecca Wilson (Project Supervisor) and Emma Boast MA (Project Archaeologist). A public presentation on the community excavation work undertaken by York Archaeological Trust through the summers of 2017 and 2018, to discover and explore any surviving remains of the early 19th Century Prison foundations at HMP Northallerton. This project involved the local community in exploring their own heritage and archaeology. Archaeologists from YAT will present a talk on the excavation and community elements of the Prison Excavation.

Membership runs from September to May and is £17.00 per year. There is a concession for a couple of £32 per year. Non members are welcome and are charged £4 per meeting. Accompanied children and students in full time education are welcome without charge. For further details please contact the Secretary;Roger Sarjeant, 1 College Court, College Lane, Masham HG4 4HE Telephone: 01765 689396. rogersarjeant1950@gmail.com.