Thursday 20 April, 2023 - Saturday 22 April, 2023

MASHAM PLAYERS – Blithe Spirit

Masham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Masham

This much-revived classic from the playwright Noel Coward concerns fussy, cantankerous novelist Charles Condomine, who has remarried but finds himself haunted (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, Elvira. Clever, insistent and well aware of Charles’ shortcomings, Elvira is called up by a visiting “happy medium,” the eccentric and flighty Madame Arcati. As everyone’s personalities clash, Charles’ current wife, Ruth, is accidentally killed. She “passes over” and joins Elvira, allowing the two “blithe spirits” to haunt the hapless Charles into perpetuity.

Directed by Julie Prescott

Tickets £8 from Masham Community Office 01765 680200
