Tuesday 31 October, 2017 - Tuesday 31 October, 2017

Masham Town Hall Community Charity Annual General Meeting

Masham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Masham

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Masham Town Hall Community Charity Ltd will be held in Masham Town Hall on Tuesday 31st October to transact the following business.
1. Reports and accounts – To receive and consider the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2017, and the reports of the charity trustees and independent examiners.
2. Auditors – To Re-appoint The Barker Partnership as the independent examiners, and to authorise the charity trustees to set the level of the independent examiners’ fees.
3. Appointment of members of the charity and charity trustees.
4. Members’ proposed resolutions – Proposed resolutions from members should be sent to the secretary, Mr A.N.Reed, 9 Little Market Place, Masham HG4 4DY by noon on 17th October. Details of proposed resolutions and a revised agenda, if necessary, will be issued by 20th October.
5. Any other business.

By order of the board of charity trustees, A.N. Reed, Company Secretary, Masham Town Hall Community Charity Ltd 14th September 2017.