Join us for some family fun as you search for Easter Eggs hidden throughout Masham.
Search Masham shops for the 10 missing eggs, write the answers to the question for each egg on your quiz card. Return it to the Community Office. The first TEN correct cards drawn on Easter Saturday 30th March wins a ‘rocking chicken’ with her eggs.
Held on the second Tuesday of the month.
A friendship and support group Tuesday 11th February at 11.00am at the church
Pop-in takes place at various places and from time to time, Pops-out. £2 towards outings.
For more information speak to Lesley 01765 689828.
Everyone is welcome from beginners to experienced, bring your own knitting or help with projects.
Spend an hour in St Mary’s Church, singing songs from the shows, musicals and popular music. For men and women, any age and as it says on the tin, we have “Fun”!
The group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and enjoys tea and coffee afterwards.
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244
An evening of support! Guest speaker – Chloe McEwen, Current Miss Yorkshire plus other speakers from Citizen’s Advice, Andymansclub and Mind in Harrogate District.
The evening will signpost you to available support and explore the role that physical activity can play in maintaining good mental health.
We will have a number of books on eating healthy on a budget to raffle for attendees to win and takeaway.
There will be free snacks available on the night in the break and an opportunity to network with the individuals and organisations present.
If you cannot attend but wish to explore further then there are resources available at
Or you can contact Kirsty Dawson, Rural Wellbeing Coordinator at Mind in Harrogate relation to support available locally.