23 March, 2024

Kirkby Bunnies 2024

Kirkby Malzeard Pre-School, Church Street, Kirkby Malzeard HG4 3RT

Who wants to go on a Bunny Hunt?

There are 36 wooden Bunnies hidden around the Village, can you find them all?  Find the bunnies, fill out your form, hand it back in and receive some sweets then you will be entered into a prize draw to win a hamper.  All of the bunnies are designed by the wonderful children in Kirkby Malzeard.

Forms are just £2 and can be bought in advance from Monday 11th March from Pre-school or during the event from Kirkby Stores, The Queens, Kirkby Fisheries and Highside Butchers.

All proceeds from the hunt will go to Kirkby Malzeard Pre-school as they raise funds for a new building.

Saturday 23 March, 2024

The Great Studfold Easter Egg Hunt

Studfold Adventure Nature Trail, Studfold Farm, Lofthouse, Harrogate HG3 5SG
10:00 - 16:00

Come along with the whole family and enjoy this popular annual event. Pick up the Easter Adventure Clues and find large willow nests and brightly coloured eggs.  Studfold’s Award Winning Adventure Trail allows children to explore, discover and learn by enjoying a childhood adventure. Do not forget to bring a picnic and something to leave in the treasure swap box. Studfold’s Nidderdale Way Cafe is open throughout the Easter holidays.  Easter Egg Hunt runs from 23rd March-7th April.  Last Admission 2pm.
Check out our events throughout the year: www.studfoldtrails.co.uk or call Anne Challis on 01423 755228 or email: info@studfoldtrails.co.uk.

Saturday 23 March, 2024

Egg Hunt Quiz

Mashamshire Community Office, 7 Little Market Place, Masham HG4 4DY
10:00 - 15:00

Join us for some family fun as you search for Easter Eggs hidden throughout Masham.


Search Masham shops for the 10 missing eggs, write the answers to the question for each egg on your quiz card.  Return it to the Community Office.  The first TEN correct cards drawn on Easter Saturday 30th March wins a ‘rocking chicken’ with her eggs.

Saturday 23 March, 2024

Jumble Sale

Grewelthorpe Village Hall, Lake Terrace, Grewelthorpe, HG4 3BU
10:00 - 12:00

Children’s Books and Toys
Adults and Children’s Clothes and Shoes
Home Furnishing
Books, Bric-a-Brac
Cakes and Home Produce

Admission £1.00 – Children under 12 FREE
Proceeds are in aid of St James and the Methodist Church Grewelthorpe
Refreshments available from 11.00am-3.00pm in the Hackfall Cafe
Further information: Susan Rizos 01765 658200

Saturday 23 March, 2024

Coffee Morning plus

Masham Methodist Church Hall, 34 Park Street, Masham
10:30 - 12:00

Home Baking, Marmalade, Greeting Cards, knitted Goods, Foodshare, craft, plants and maybe more!