Wellbeing walks are short (approximately 30-40 minutes), accessible, friendly, free walks around Masham suitable for those that are new or returning to activity. All walks are led by trained walk leaders, will take place over easy ground, although there may be some uneven surfaces/pavements, around the streets, alleys and open green spaces in Masham. They are circular starting at Mashamshire Community Office every Friday morning, meeting from 10am for a 10.10am start. After the walk join us at the Town Hall for tea/coffee/biscuits kindly sponsored by Morrisons, Ripon.
If you would like to join us on a walk you will receive a very warm welcome, just turn up. For further information, please contact Beth on 01765 680200 or email beth@visitmasham.com
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts: 6-14 year old, boys and girls. All meet Fridays, weekly term time only.
Contact Fiona Warrington 07979477244
Traditional Scottish food, Burns songs and poems in the church.
For more information contact Lesley Hunter 01765 689828