Saturday 13 October, 2018 - Saturday 13 October, 2018

Reeth Brass Band

St Mary's Church, Market Place, Masham

Tickets: Adults £10 – to include a free drink. Under 16’s free.
Available from members of the Four and Twenty or Mashamshire Community Office (Tel: 01765 680200).
Doors open at 7pm. Concert starts at 7.30pm.
In aid of the Four and Twenty, an ancient charity which makes grants to young people from Masham to assist them in the costs of serving an apprenticeship or in their further or higher education. It currently awards two grants each year of £400. Anyone interested in finding out more about the Four and Twenty, or applying for a grant, should contact the clerk, Chris Thwaites, at Dunsforth, 10 Rodney Terrace, Masham, HG4 4JA.
Any queries, please contact