Wednesday 8 July, 2015 - Thursday 9 July, 2015

Robin and The Sherwood Hoodies

Masham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Masham

Masham School invite you to their end of term production. Journey into the depths of Sherwood Forest and discover the hilarious truth behind the legend of Robin Hood in this great musical comedy. Follow the most outrageous outlaws in history on their side-splitting, action-packed adventure to defeat the dastardly Sheriff, storm Nottingham Castle, rescue Maid Marion and overthrow King John – all without laddering their tights!
Dress rehearsal performance at 10am on Wednesday 8th July. Evening performances are for over fives only please.
Tickets available from the School office (Tel: 01765 689 200) and Mashamshire Community Office (Tel: 01765 680 200). Tickets cost £2 for children, £3.30 for adults or £10 for a family ticket (up to 2 adults and 3 children). Refreshments and raffle. All money raised will go towards school funds for drama.