We are holding a retained (on-call) firefighter recruitment engagement day for Masham fire station.
If you are over 18, male or female, in good health & have a reasonable level of fitness, Interested in helping your community and learning new skills, Would benefit from an additional income, available to respond to your local fire station within approximately 5 minutes to attend emergency calls (There is some flexibility within this, so if you are outside this travel time please contact us).
You might just be who we’re looking for.
To find out more visit the ‘Working for us’ section of our website www.northyorksfire.gov.uk or contact our on-call support team on 01609 780150
If you are interested in the role of an on-call firefighter and would like some more information and to have a go at some of the entry tests, then please feel free to call in at Masham fire station any time during the recruitment engagement day.