Thanks to thousands of volunteer hours spent car parking, directing traffic, shepherding people, wheeling wheelchairs, chatting and putting people at ease, the Harrogate & Rural District GP Teams have reached a major milestone. 100,000 coronavirus vaccines have now been administered by the GP teams at the vaccination hubs at Harrogate’s Showground, and Ripon Racecourse. The celebration cake looks scary but tasted great!

It’s an extraordinary clinical achievement but it couldn’t have happened without some amazing volunteers.

Mashamshire Community Office pulled together a team of wonderful, enthusiastic and energetic volunteers to support this effort back at the end of January. Our wonderful team have braved the elements (and there have been plenty!) and kept a smile on their faces throughout. Everyone has got to know one another and the team spirit as well as the heartfelt thanks they receive from members of the public at every session, has kept them all motivated. From reassuring the anxious right through to changing wheels and bump starting cars in the car park, our MCO team have gone the extra mile.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who have helped so far.

The effort continues for the foreseeable future. If anyone would like to join us, new volunteers are very welcome as some of our regulars now have to return to work. Please email Sarah to volunteer – click here. Please be patient though as she’s out of the office next week! (w/c 3rd May)